Hoiatused, Ärtemark


1.6 11:00 AM 11:00 – 1.6 5:00 PM 17:00

Risk of heavy showers during the afternoon and evening which can locally produce larger amounts of rain. ; What happens: A front that lies over the area gives the risk of stronger showers during the afternoon and evening. Locally, up to 40 mm of rain can fall in a short time.; What to expect: Traffic can be slower due to flooded roads. Risk of, for example, basements, stormwater systems, roads and viaducts being flooded.; Where: The western parts of southern Norrland and Svealand and northwestern Götaland; Comments: There are large local variations in the amounts of rain. Many places will not get such large amounts.


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Ilm asukohas Västra Götalandi lään